Turnbull Nursery’s Sales, News and Feature Plants
30-50% off Select Shade, Ornamental & Fruit Trees
Buy for Dad or buy for yourself! Great trees available in 3 gal to 10 gallon sizes. Sale prices range from $28. to $157.50 (regular $40. to $217.) Includes Oaks, Horsechestnuts, Serviceberry, Honeylocust, Willows, fruit trees and more! On sale now until June 30th. Click the link below for a complete list. Call for availability as some items were limited quanitites. Only while supplies last. See store store for warranty details.

50% off Select Raspberry, Blackberry, Grapes, Jostaberry and Gooseberry
Last years stock that is ready to fruit this year! In 1 and 2 gallon sizes. Sale prices $6.50 to $8.50 ( regular price $13. to $17. ) See store for varieties and warranty information.
Raspberry: Caroline, Heritage, Bristol, Killarney & Royalty Blackberry: Darrow thorny Grape: Lakemont, Niaraga & Mars Gooseberry: Hinomaki Jostaberry

50% off
Easy and long flowering perennial! Several colors available in 1 size. Sale prices $6. ( regular price $12. ) See store for varieties and warranty information.

60% off Select Shrubs including Privet Hedge, Button Bush, Dwarf Forsythia and more!
Last years stock that will fluourish in the ground (just starting to get too big for the pots.) In 2-5 gallon sizes depending on variety, prices vary. New varieties getting added daily. See store for varieties and warranty information.
Please to refer to your receipt for warranty information. Most, not all, plants have an October 1st warranty. We will not warranty plants labeled “No Warranty” or plants sold on sale for more than a 20% discount. If you are having a problem with the plant, please call and we can offer suggestions to aid in the plants health. If the plant is covered under a warranty, you must notify us or return the dead plant before October 1st of the year purchased for the warranty to be honored. Thank you!

In 1998, the Turnbull family started working with a Swiss engineer to manufacture a one of a kind, custom bare root plant harvester that is still in use today on our farm. In fall 2000, we began to use it for our harvest. It turned a very laborious, back breaking job of harvesting plants out of the field into something more manageable for our employees. It is also better for the plants harvested as there is less damage to the plants and more soil removed from the root system for better storage. The fall harvest of plants generally begins after the first frost and we hope to be finished by Thanksgiving. With the changing weather patterns, this does not always happen. Many years we have had to harvest through wet, snowy days and this machine has made that easier! Some plants are unable to be harvested with the custom harvester due to the long root systems or the size of the plants. For that, we still use a walk behind harvester which gives everyone quite the work out! Check out the links below to see how each machine works.
After the plants come out of the ground, they are loaded into pallets and taken to our climate controlled storages. November through February is spent sorting plants according to size and bundling them. Wholesale shipments start going out in December Once grading of plants is completed, we begin to work on getting the Retail Bare Root Barn ready for the opening in mid-March. There is not much down time on the farm!